
Some Tips For Installing Wireless Speakers

In Uncategorized on December 25, 2012 by admin

In this post I will offer some guidance for setting up a pair of wireless speakers. I will also focus a little bit on outdoor models. Even though you may have read through the user manual of your product, I nonetheless recommend that you read through the next couple of paragraphs to get some pointers or some tips and tricks which you may not know already. In addition to helping you set up speakers, these tips also will aid you in improving the overall performance of your speakers while in operation.

One important tips is picking the right location for your speakers. The location of the transmitter base is not that critical since the signal is transmitted wirelessly. However, you want to make sure that the transmitter is not surrounded by a lot of metal objects which could reduce the wireless operating range. Also, you should elevate the transmitter at least 3 feet from the ground if at all possible. usually the higher the location of the transmitter base the farther the transmitter can broadcast its signal.

When locating the speakers, pick a stable surface to put the speaker on. This will prevent unwanted vibrations while the speaker is operating. Also, make sure that you tuck away the power cord from the speaker AC adapter. A power cord that is exposed is more likely to cause an accident. Also, if somebody trips on the cord the speaker can take some damage. If you have an outdoor speaker then pick a location which is protected from rain. Some speakers are specifically designed for outdoors such as rock speakers. In this case you can pick any location for the speakers as long as the speakers blend in with their surroundings.

Finally, it is best to use the supplied AC adapter to supply power to the speakers. You can use batteries for temporary applications such as an outdoor party but swapping batteries can become rather expensive over time. Many wireless models won’t offer as much wattage when run from batteries as they do when operated via a wallwart type power supply.

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